Hales Zumba Fitness Class

Hales Zumba 2021 – Week 6

Hales Zumba 2021 – Week 5

Hales Zumba 2021 – Week 4

Hales Zumba 2021 – Week 3

Hales Zumba 2021 – Week 2

Hales Zumba 2021 – Week 1

Previous Classes
Class #12

Class #11

Class #10

Class #9

Class #8

Class #7

Class #6

Class #5

Class #4

Class #3

Class #2

Class #1


Hales is all about caring.

Taking care of your physical and mental health is really important especially during these difficult times. Whether you are staying at home due to the COVID-19 crisis or working harder than ever, it is important to remain relaxed and stay as active as you can.

To help you manage both physically and mentally through these difficult times, we have partnered with a professional Zumba Instructor, Andy Brown, to offer FREE digital ZUMBA Fitness Classes open to everyone!

🎬So get moving and send us a video of yourself Zumba-ing and share with your friends the benefits of physical wellness, strong body, strong mind and a good laugh. 👾

If you are looking for work and would like to make a difference to the lives of our vulnerable service users, please contact us on 0800 124 4765 or email work@halesgroup.co.uk

Have fun, get fit and stay safe at home.

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