Terms & Conditions

The website at www.halescare.co.uk (the “Website”) is managed by Hales Group Limited (“Hales”). Hales Group Ltd is responsible for that website and this Privacy Statement applies to that website only.

Hales Privacy Statement

Hales Group and its service providers will use any personal information collected from the Website in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998 (‘the Act’). Further information about the Act can be found at the website of the Information Commissioner here.

All information will be kept secure and will be treated as confidential. This personal information will only ever be used for communicating with you, about Hales and we will not sell your information to any third parties.

When you visit the website, a small text file known as a cookie may be downloaded onto your computer. This is a common practice which allows Hales to provide you with a better Website by keeping track of the areas of the Website you visit, for example your areas of specific interest. A cookie may allow Hales to recognise repeat visits and recall information which you have previously supplied to Hales, such as your name. You may adjust how your computer deals with cookies using your internet browser. Disabling cookies however may mean that some functionality may be affected.

What information do we collect and why?

The information collected on this site includes email addresses and/or other contact details and information which users voluntarily provide in order to register for one of our vacancies, for promotions and to receive information from Hales and/or our partners and for us to provide you with information, products or services that you request from us or which we feel may interest you. Hales will not disclose voluntarily-provided details to third parties or use the information in any other way without prior consent.

Your rights

You have the right to access your information held by Hales and where necessary, to have it amended. For more details, please contact: Data Protection (Hales Group Ltd, 4-6 Castle Street, Thetford IP24 2DW). You can also request not to receive marketing information from Hales by sending an email with “Unsubscribe” in the subject line to websupport@halesgroup.co.uk.

Links to other websites

The website contains links to other sites that are completely unrelated to Hales. This privacy statement does not apply to these other sites nor are we responsible for the content and practices of these websites.

Changes to our privacy statement

This privacy statement may change at any time, so you may wish to check it each time you visit the website.

Data Controller

The Data Controller for the purposes of the Act is Hales Group Ltd. 1 Bramhall Place, Storey’s Bar Road, Peterborough PE1 5YS

Users 16 and under

If you are aged 16 or under, please get your parent/guardian’s permission before you provide personal information to the website. Users without this consent are not allowed to provide us with personal information.

Related Links

Information Commissioner: https://ico.org.uk/

Company details

Hales Group Limited is a Company Registered in England and Wales with Company Number 3756814.

Company Name and Office: Hales Group Ltd. 1 Bramhall Place, Storey’s Bar Road, Peterborough PE1 5YS

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