Dementia Care

Compassionate & Tailored Home Dementia Care

We understand that caring for someone with a condition as complex as dementia can take considerable emotional, physical and mental energy. Our years of experience offering compassionate, caring and wide ranging support can offer much needed support for loved ones and their families. Dementia in itself is not a disease, but rather a collective term for a range of symptoms, such as failing memory, confusion, and impaired motor and cognitive abilities.

A person holding a hand of an older person

What is Dementia?

These symptoms are caused by several specific conditions which impact neurons in the brain, which fall under the dementia umbrella. These are:

– Alzheimer’s Disease

– Vascular Dementia

– Lewy Body Dementia

– Frontotemporal Dementia

– Mixed Dementia

If someone has dementia, the neurons incur increasing damage which means electrical messages cannot pass information to the body as they normally would do, which impair physical and psychological functions.

Dementia can be typically categorised into three stages: early, middle and late. During the early stages the symptoms aren’t too obvious and can sometimes be missed since the symptoms are systematic of the ageing process.

However, as the disease progresses the person’s ability to live independently will become very difficult. 

The severity of the symptoms will vary from the parts of the brain impacted to the nature of the disease causing the damage. 

Whatever the case, it can be very distressing for both carer and patient.

What Are Dementia Care Services?

Dementia care is about recognising that no matter the condition or the symptoms associated with it, every person living with the disease is experiencing something different and will be presented with their own unique set of challenges and concerns.

At Hales Care, we take the time to understand the person as a whole, not just the challenges they are facing at this period in their life. 

So no matter what, we’re here and ready to help with empathetic care, knowledge and the understanding to deliver the support each individual requires.

young female care worker helping older service user
Female carer with a senior service user

Why Are Dementia Care Services so Crucial?

As a population we’re living far longer than any previous generation, which means that dementia is now more prevalent than ever before. 

That said, although there is no cure for this disease, as a society we’re now more equipped to recognise the signs of dementia and help to ease the symptoms.

Those diagnosed with dementia still need to understand that help and support is there for them and their families to ensure they are able to retain as much independence as possible, enabling them to continue their daily routine for as long as possible.

Whether family members choose to take care of their loved ones themselves or not, we can provide a range of specialist care services to offer our support, such as:

– Domiciliary care

– Respite care

– Live-in care

– Seasonal care e.g. Christmas and New Year

– End of life care

Whatever is required to offer our support and care, we can develop a personalised care plan to ensure that everyone is offered only the very best and compassionate home dementia care.

Our Approach to Dementia Care

At Hales Home Care, we’ve been providing technology-led, bespoke and person-centred dementia care for more than two decades, we continue to provide more than 40,000 hours of care every week, and we are fully regulated by the Care Quality Commission. 

Our group has branches all over the country and our service offering is evolving to ensure that our care is able to meet the changing demands of a diverse population. 

We’re fully committed to ensuring that we hire only the best and most passionate carers through our highly-selective recruitment process and we skill them via our in-depth training programmes. 

Not only do our care professionals offer the very best in care at home, but their personalities and enthusiasm is really what sets them apart when offering quality care services – this is especially important when caring for those with dementia.

a female carer smiling at an elderly woman while holding a tablet

Why Choose Dementia Home Care?

Our dementia home care services means that our team are able to carry out home visits to spend time with each of our service users, and help with daily tasks such as personal hygiene, shopping, and attending appointments. We also offer our support to ensure the right medication and fluids/nutrition are taken; this is fundamental to maintaining a quality of life for as long as possible.

Our dedication lies in improving that quality of life and empowering self-sufficiency, with unwavering support. Our care professionals are highly trained and equipped to offer assistance for diverse complex conditions and requirements.


What Are the Benefits of Dementia Care Services?

By seeking the right care and support system, anyone living with dementia can continue to live independently for as long as possible.

Living securely at home and in familiar surroundings can help ease some of the anxiety and stress associated with dementia.

Living securely at home and in familiar surroundings can help ease some of the anxiety and stress associated with dementia.

What Are the Early Symptoms of Dementia?

Frequently the early stages of dementia are not obvious, since the symptoms are often systematic of growing older and they might develop quite slowly at first.

Some of the early symptoms include:

– Loss of memory

– Increasing difficulty processing information

– Issues solving everyday problems

– Losing track of people and places

– Mood swings and often unusual and erratic behaviour

If you know what signs to look out for early on, you can seek medical advice to help get you or your loved one the right support.

How Can I Help a Loved One with Dementia?

Living with dementia can be very frustrating and distressing for most. Depression, anxiety and irritation is a very common side effect of dementia, so it’s important to ensure that your loved one is engaged, social and allowed to do as much as they can for themselves.

Activities and social outings that stir old memories, help them feel engaged with the world and keeping them socially active are the most important things you can do for your loved one.

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