Hales Care Awards

Recognising our Superheroes

HCA 2023 Logo

Be Proud. Be Nominated. Be a Winner!

We are delighted to announce that nominations for the Hales Care Awards 2023 are now open. The awards champion and reward outstanding behaviours amongst our dedicated and hard-working staff.

The awards are open to ALL Hales Home Care staff and teams – individuals, double up partners, departments, or whole branches.

The criteria are based on our company values:
– Deliver a Personal Approach
– Professional Excellence
– Empower trust
– Champion Change
– Exceptional Performance

How to nominate?

To enter, all you have to do is be nominated! Nominations are accepted from colleagues, managers, service users and their families.

All you have to do is fill in the nomination form (online or print), write a little about how the nominee meets the criteria, and submit it by the deadline of 15th December 2023.

Click here to download the nomination form or complete the online form here.

All shortlisted nominees will be notified and the winners will be announced in January 2024.

Printed nomination forms should be sent by email to marketing@halesgroup.co.uk or by post to the People Services Department, Hales Group, Bridge House, 16 Bridge Street, Thetford, Norfolk IP24 3AA.

Deliver a Personal Approach Award

This colleague or team will have demonstrated where they deliver a person centred care service which has made a positive difference to a service users life. This could involve improving mobility, increasing social interaction, facilitating access to something that a Service User couldn’t previously enjoy, or simply ensuring that everyday a service user has their needs and wishes carried out in a way that maintains dignity, shows respect and allows the service user to live as independently as possible.

The award will go to a colleague or team that has demonstrated individualised care, shown they have listened closely to a service user and that their actions have improved the outcomes for the service user over a sustained period.

photo of a woman holding a certificate with balloons in the background
a person holding a certificate and a star trophy

Maintain Professional Excellence Award

This award will go to a colleague or team who consistently demonstrates professional excellence in their work and their relationships. The judges will consider attendance, personal image, attitudes to colleagues and interaction with families and stakeholders. 

Judges are particularly keen to hear about staff/teams who are advocates for the industry and present a professional image of care work and Hales Home Care in other aspects of their lives – this may be when volunteering, involvement in a community group or club, positive engagement with continuous professional development or actions that demonstrate they are an ambassador for the service.

Empower Trust Award

This award will go to a team member who has demonstrated honesty & trust over and above their professional boundaries. This could be a supervisor, team leader or mentor who has evidenced their support of new care workers and their ability to engender confidence and enthusiasm from others over a period of time. This could be an isolated event linked to the safety, security or protection of our service users, their families, their possessions and pets.

This could be linked to a care worker who has managed to encourage and persuade a service user (through the build up of trust) to develop more independence, learn or relearn a skill, or attend a community event benefitting their wellbeing, that they would otherwise not have attended.

This could be a Manager or Team who have demonstrated significant and sustained innovation and growth through new business or services which has been entrusted to them by a local authority because of their delivery of high quality services in their main contract.

a woman holding a trophy and a certificate
a photo of a female care worker holding a certificate and a star shaped trophy

Champion Change Award

This award is intended to recognise a colleague who has challenged the system and identified a positive change. This could be through ideas and engagement with their local branch or head office resulting in a change to a process, or this could be linked to an isolated case in which a service user benefitted from a change to their package of care or third-party intervention brought about by a care workers report of a changing need, or this could be the result of action taken by a care worker to report circumstances which may have put the service user at risk of harm. 

This could be a team who have demonstrated significant improvement in care quality through a CQC inspection or Pamms audit, or a team who have diversified their services to address a challenging market.

Hales Home Care want to recognise and reward a culture of empowering change and encouraging staff to feel free to talk about the service and ways in which it could be improved.

Exceptional Performance Award

This award will go to a worker who demonstrates dedication to Hales through length of service, attendance record and evidences commitment to our policies, procedures and brand values.

This award is open to all Hales Group employees regardless of department or job role.

Nominations should be supported by the Line Manager and will be verified via Payroll data and colleague references.

a group of female care workers holding a certificate
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