Complaints Policy

Complaints Policy

Hales Health & Social Care is committed to providing a high-level service to our customers. If you do not receive satisfaction from us we need you to tell us about it. This will help us to improve standards where necessary.

Complaints procedure

A concern or complaint can be raised by either telephoning or writing to the local Branch.

Alternatively, it can be emailed to us at 

All concerns or complaints will initially be investigated by the local branch it refers to; however, where concerns need to be escalated, these can be done so by writing to the Quality and Compliance Department:

Hales Group Ltd. 

First Floor, Unit 10 Flag Business Exchange, Vicarage Farm Road, Peterborough PE1 5TX

Investigation Outcome 

Following a thorough and impartial investigation into a concern or complaint, the outcome of such investigations will be categorised by the following:

Substantiated – All elements of the complaint have been upheld and the investigation has evidence to support this.

Partially Substantiated – There are elements of the complaint that have been upheld and the investigation has evidence to support this.

Unsubstantiated – There is no evidence to support any elements of the complaint.

Appeals Process 

Following an investigation, a written response with an explanation for the outcome will be sent to the complainant. This will detail the findings and corrective measures that have been put in place to resolve the source of the initial concern/complaint.

Where the complainant is dissatisfied with any element of the complaint investigation or that of the outcome, then they have a right to appeal by contacting the Quality and Compliance Manager.

To appeal the outcome of a complaint, this should be done by outlining the initial complaint, giving details of the reasons for dissatisfaction and required outcome. The QAC Manager will appoint an appropriate investigating officer for the Appeal.

The Appeal process has 2 stages, these are:

Stage One:

A Senior Manager will investigate the appeal and will review the evidence relating to the original investigation and will, if required re-interview individuals connected to the complaint.

Stage Two:

A Director will review all documentation relating to the investigation and review the outcome, amending this as dictated by the evidence available at the time. The decision made at this point will be final.

All appeals should be made in writing to the following:

Hales Group Ltd. 

First Floor, Unit 10 Flag Business Exchange, Vicarage Farm Rd, Peterborough PE1 5TX

Or by email to:

Audit, Review and Trend Analysis 

All complaints and satisfactions received will be audited and analysed at both branch and strategic level in accordance with the Quality Assurance Protocol.

In addition to this policy, should you remain dissatisfied, you are able to raise concerns with the following regulatory bodies:

The Care Quality Commission (CQC) 

Citygate Gallowgate

Newcastle upon Tyne


Tel: 03000 61 61 61

Local Government Ombudsman 

PO Box 4771



Tel: 0300 061 0614

Gangmasters Licensing Authority

PO Box 10272



Tel: 0800 432 0804

Recruitment and Employment Confederation 

Professional Standards Team,

15 Welbeck Street,



Tel: 020 7009 2100


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