Safeguarding Adults Policy

Policy Statement

Hales Group aims to ensure that every person who chooses Hales to provide their support will have all of their needs met, be kept safe and will be protected from the risk of abuse and/or harm by the robust implementation of its Safeguarding Adults Policies and Procedures.

Hales Group takes seriously its duty of care to the people who use our services and in order to discharge this duty of care all staff must be aware of and must implement the procedures contained in this document.

All grades of staff will be recruited safely, inducted, trained and provided with guidance on all aspects of care and in relation to safeguarding adults.


In recognition of the changing context, previous references to the protection of “vulnerable adults” and to “adult and child protection” work are now replaced by the new term: ‘safeguarding’. This phrase means all work which enables an adult “who is or may be eligible for community care services” to retain independence, wellbeing and choice and to access their human right to live a life that is free from abuse and neglect.

The definition specifically includes those people who are assessed as being able to purchase all or part of their community care services, as well as those who are eligible for community care services but whose need – in relation to safeguarding – is for access to mainstream services such as the police.

Safeguarding Adults – A National Framework of Standards for good practice and outcomes in adult protections work. ADSS, October 2005.


Hales Group will provide training and guidance as appropriate and ensure the attendance of staff on induction, briefings, ongoing training and updates.

Standard Operating Procedures

The following procedures must be read in conjunction with the relevant local Authority’s Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults, Multi-Agency Policy, Procedures and Practice Guidelines. ‘Safeguarding Adults’ Procedures refer to the local area-based, multi-agency response which is made to every adult “who is or may be eligible for community care services” (National Health Service & Community Care Act 1990) and whose independence and well-being is at risk due to abuse or neglect. The purpose of the Multi-Agency Policy, Procedures and Practice Guidelines is to give clear direction and guidance underpinning the protection of vulnerable adults. It clarifies the roles and responsibilities of professionals, staff and volunteers when faced with suspected abuse or inadequate care of a vulnerable person. The document defines abuse, identifies risk factors and establishes a standard procedure that should be followed by all agencies when someone suspects abuse has taken place.

Managers and staff working with HALES GROUP must familiarise themselves with the Multi-Agency Policy, Procedures and Practice Guidelines and follow it in conjunction with HALES GROUP’s own Policy and Procedures. A copy of the Multi-Agency Policy, Procedures and Practice Guidelines is kept at each registered location.


Action required by all staff i.e. Personal Carers, Support Workers, Domestics, Administrators, Handy Persons, Chefs or Assistant Chefs and Activity Coordinators.

If you witness abuse of a person using the service by a member of staff or any other person you MUST:

 Stop the abuse and ensure the immediate safety and well-being of the person using the service.

 Report what you have seen to the Registered Manager or Duty Manager.

 Not touch or move anything which may interfere with the collection of evidence including forensic evidence.

 Not confront the perpetrator or discuss what you have seen with them.

 Not discuss what you have seen with any other member of staff, relatives, visitors or people using the service.

 Keep a detailed record of the events, including the names of the victim and alleged perpetrator, the time and place of the incident and exactly (factually) what was seen.

If you have a concern or suspicion that a member of staff or any other person may be abusing a person you MUST:

 Discuss your concerns with the Registered Manager or the Duty Manager immediately; do not wait for a regular supervision session.

 Not talk about your concerns with any other member of staff, other people suing the service, relatives or visitors.

 Not think you have to prove your concerns or provide evidence, a worry or suspicion is sufficient.

 Keep a record of your concern, what you have done and with whom you have spoken.

If a person using the service, other staff member, visitor to the home or any other person passes information to you or raises concerns with you that may constitute abuse of a person or people using the service you MUST:

 Report the information you have to the Registered Manager or Duty Manager.

 Urge the person giving you the information to do the same.

 Not ask the person giving you the information to make a statement.

Management Responsibilities

Action required by all members of the management team, i.e. Registered Managers, Duty Managers, Senior Personal Carers, Senior Support Workers, Team Leaders, Personal Care Managers, Care Support Managers and Deputy Managers.

If a member of staff or a Manager is made aware of, or witnesses any form of abuse and does not report it, this may make them complicit with the abuse and may make them subject to Disciplinary proceedings.

If as a Duty Manager you witness, or are made aware of the abuse or of suspicions of potential abuse, or you have concerns that a person using the service may be suffering abuse you MUST:

 Stop the abuse and ensure the immediate safety and well-being of the person.

 Arrange treatment for the victim as required taking steps to preserve any evidence including forensic evidence.

 Report to the Registered Manager immediately.

 If the Registered Manager is not available report immediately to the Area Manager.

 If the Area Manager is not available report immediately to another Area Manager or to the Operations Manager or Managing Director. This instruction relates to any time of the day or night, it is not acceptable to wait until the next morning or next normal working day.

 Make the referral to the Local Authority and complete, if appropriate the alerter form in the Multi Agency Policy.

 (If the alleged abuse has occurred recently) take steps to preserve any evidence including forensic evidence.

 Not confront the alleged perpetrator.

 Not discuss the information with any other member of staff, other people using the service, relatives or visitors without the Area Managers knowledge.

 Record all events in detail.

 (Whilst maintaining confidences), ensure the individual or individuals making the allegation are supported and kept informed of any actions that are being taken.

 (If the person using the service wishes it and after taking guidance from the police or social services) inform the family of the allegations and ensure they are kept up to date with process.

 Ensure a notification is made to CQC in accordance with Regulation 18.

Action required by the Registered Manager and Operational Teams 

If as a manager you witness, or are made aware of the abuse or of suspicions of potential abuse, or you have concerns that a person using the service may be suffering abuse you MUST;

 Keep a detailed record of the information as it is made available to you.

 Take necessary steps to ensure the safety of the person or persons using the service.

 Discuss with relevant others the necessity of suspending the member or members of staff concerned.

 Establish that the person using the service has the capacity to consent to the information being passed to Social Services or the Police.

 Ensure if the person does not wish the matter to be reported to the Police and Social Services, you respect their decision, (unless there is a belief this would not be in the person’s best interest or it is in the public interest). This will not detract from the need to initiate an internal investigation. Keep a record of the person’s wishes and any decisions taken which may override this.

 Make the referral to the Local Authority and complete, if appropriate the alerter form in the Multi agency policy.

 Liaise with the Police/Social Services about how the investigation will be undertaken and follow guidance/instructions.

 (If the local authority instructs that the allegation is not to be accepted as a safeguarding adults alert) initiate an internal investigation (following relevant HR Policies and Procedures).

 Ensure emotional and practical support is available for staff working in the home and people living in the home (if they are affected).

 Discuss advocacy services for the person or persons using the service.

 (If the person using the service wishes it and after taking guidance from the police or social services) inform the family of the allegations and ensure they are kept up to date with the progress.

 Ensure you keep all parties informed of progress.

 Ensure a notification is made to CQC in accordance with Regulation 18, outcome addressed.


When reporting a concern you can gather facts to enable a robust report to safeguarding and CQC as well as internally so a decision can be made to immediately safeguard any vulnerable people-this doesn’t constitute investigating.

Generally, investigations into alleged abuse will be undertaken by officers of the Local Authority’s safeguarding adults team and/or the police. On some occasions and following the instruction of the Local Authority’s safeguarding adults manager, the manager will lead or delegate the lead for internal investigations into allegations of the abuse of people using services. Any internal investigation will be carried out under the organisations’ policies and procedure. Consideration will be given as to whether any member of staff should be referred for inclusion on the independent safeguarding authority (ISA) list of people barred from working with vulnerable adults. From October 2009 providers have a duty to refer to the ISA under the Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006 (SVGA). The duty applies when (on the basis of the evidence obtained) it is deemed that a person is not suitable to work with vulnerable adults.

Management Duties

Managers and supervisors have a duty to:

 Ensure that this policy/procedure has been read and understood by all staff and that it is operated throughout the home as part of everyday practice at all times.

 Ensure that if the Local Authority gives authorisation to undertake an internal investigation that this is completed in a timely manner, thoroughly and with sensitivity and that all parties are supported throughout the process.

 Communicate this policy/procedure to employees, agency staff, volunteers and relevant others, including, where appropriate, other agencies and organisations.

 Provide training and guidance as appropriate and ensure the attendance of staff on induction, briefings, ongoing training and updates.

 If a disciplinary takes place that is related to safeguarding issue safeguarding lead must be consulted with prior to outcome decision being made.

 Safeguarding lead will take ultimate decision on suspensions in relation to staff conduct where this is not clear from an HR perspective.

Staff Duties 

Staff have a duty to:

 Report any incidents of abuse or potential abuse to an appropriate manager.

 Respect people’s privacy, dignity and human rights at all times, and treat people with sensitivity, respect and thoughtfulness, adhering to individual care programmes.

 Wherever possible support peoples independence.

 Comply with and implement the home’s policies and procedures.

 Act within the limits of their training at all times.

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