News from Irene Amarante

Memory Walk 2017

Last Sunday, 1st October 2017, some of our staff and care workers from Thetford took part in the Memory Walk event at Worksop, Nottinghamshire in aid of Alzheimer's Society.  
04 October
Hales care

Mayor’s Visit to Ewart House

New Mayor of Harrow Margaret Davine, visited Ewart House and praised the joint relationship between HCHA and Hales Care on delivering such an exceptional level of care. The Mayor also…
15 September
Hales care

How to Create a Dementia Friendly Home

Dementia is an illness which as well as causing memory loss, can also cause a person to become disorientated, lose the ability to recognise and navigate around everyday objects and…
11 September
Hales care

Identifying Mental Illness and Providing Support

One in four people are affected by mental health problems and it's estimated that worldwide, as many as 450 million people are experiencing mental health issues. There are currently more…
05 September
Hales care

5 Pieces of Advice for Caring for Someone with Dementia

At present, Alzheimer’s Research UK states that there are an estimated 850,000 people in the UK living with dementia, some of whom are undiagnosed. Out of this figure, 517,426 have had a…
11 July
Hales care

The Journey to Becoming a Care Assistant

A Care Assistant is tasked with helping those who have difficulties in carrying out their daily tasks unaided. Therefore, as a Care Assistant, your role is focused on ensuring that…
29 June
Hales care
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