Hales Heroes Monthly Draw & Quarterly Awards

Eligibility and How it works

Monthly Draw

Every month, a carer or staff member in each branch will win 25 Care Friends points.

To be eligible for the draw, carers and staff members need to meet at least one of the following criteria:

– 100% attendance – no unplanned or unauthorised absence
– 95% Complete Logins – call monitoring
– In-date mandatory training

Managers can also nominate individuals based on the following recognition values:

– Going the Extra Mile (Deliver a Personal Approach)
– Creativity & Innovation (Champion Change)
– Outstanding Service (Professional Excellence)​
– Green Hero (Environment)
– Community Hero (CSR, volunteers, outside work, Macmillan)​

Quarterly Awards

How it works:

  1. All Hales Heroes Monthly Draw winners will be nominated for the Hales Heroes Quarterly Awards, with a chance to win up to 250 Care Friends points – That’s £250!
  2. Online voting will be conducted to determine the winner for each region.
  3. The nominee who receives the most engagement (likes, shares, and comments) in their region, coupled with the panel’s endorsement, will be declared the winner!
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