Q. What is the process for organising Hales Care?

First of all, get in touch and arrange a time for us to come and visit you to discuss your individual requirements. We are happy to visit you at home or wherever is best for you. Once you have made your choice we will get everything organised so you don’t have to worry.

Q. What if my situation changes?

We understand that people’s situations can change without warning, that’s why we keep our finger on the pulse by performing regular reviews of your care package to check that it is still the most appropriate for you. During each review we will take time to speak to you and family members to establish the most effective care plan.

Q. What will my carer do?

That’s your decision. We pride ourselves in operating a transparent service which keeps you in control. That’s why we draw up a specific care plan from the beginning outlining exactly what tasks your care worker will perform on a day-to-day basis.

Q. What is my carer unable to do?

When we establish your care plan, we agree with you a list of duties that your care worker will adhere to. They will not operate outside that list unless your plan is re-negotiated. Also, in the interests of health and safety, our carers will not perform any tasks that they are not fully trained for (i.e. giving injections or replacing sterile dressings), or any tasks that are likely to put you, or them in any danger.

Q. How many different care workers will I have?

The number of different care workers that you have will depend entirely on your care plan and how many visits it involves each week. We will, of course, keep your number of different carers to a minimum, however, in order to cover holidays and illness, there will always be more than one person assigned to your plan.

Q. How can I be sure that my carer is trustworthy?

Our team of carers are highly experienced professionals that have been subject to a strict and stringent vetting procedure. Each of our carers will carry a photo identification card proving their identity at all times. Additionally, all care workers are subject to a DBS check.

Q. How do I know that my carer is performing the tasks they are supposed to?

Our care workers will note the tasks that they have carried out during each visit on a record log that is kept in your possession. After each visit you will be required to sign this log which is then provided to our head office each week.

Q. How do I pay for my care?

We will bill you for your care once every two weeks. We recommend paying by bank transfer or standing order, however, we can also accept cheques.

Q. How much does it cost?

As our care plans are all tailored to the individual client, there is no set cost. However, once your plan has been agreed, we will provide you with a full breakdown so that you know exactly what you’re paying for and when.

Q. Can I get any help with the fees?

You may be entitled to help with your fees in the form of a Government grant, or alternatively from Social Services. Contact your local council to find out your eligibility.

Q. How can I call you outside office hours?

We operate an out-of-hours emergency line which is manned by one of our team from 7:00am to 10:00pm, offering assistance with any emergencies you have with your care. Normal office hours: 8:30am-5:00pm, Monday-Friday.

Q. How can you guarantee the level of care you provide?

Minimum standards are set by local registration bodies depending on the country in which we are operating along with United Kingdom Home Care Association (UKHCA). We are registered with each of these organisations so you can be sure that their standards are met.

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